Frequently Asked Questions
The title is a Hebrew term that communicates the person’s being in a central role without suggesting that she or he wields undue authority or operates in a vacuum. The Rosh serves as a facilitator and representative of the Minyan, and is someone who has served on the Steering Committee and has experience with the give-and-take of Minyan activity and decision making.
As specified in the Charter, the Rosh fulfills several important functions: providing liaison with TBA, convening and running meetings of the Steering Committee, and serving as point-person for members and visitors who raise questions about Minyan policy or practice. Beyond this, the Rosh has to be attentive to how committees and coordinators are functioning and feeling, bringing to the Steering Committee problems that seem to be cropping up and also informally smoothing areas of friction. Naturally, each Rosh will make the job his or her own, with particular emphases and initiatives.
Any Jew can participate in our services, and non-Jews are welcome to attend. We welcome new arrivals, shul shoppers, and shul hoppers (who may occasionally attend services at multiple places).
“Come, Serve, and Belong” is shorthand for the criteria for being part of the Library Minyan.
Come: because our services depend on participation of members, your attendance adds to our vitality;
Serve: because the Minyan is lay-led for services as well as in its governance and creation of community, it is vital that people serve in the roles that enable services and communal life to thrive; and
Belong: because the Minyan is a constituent unit of Temple Beth Am, it’s important that we pay to be members, so we can maintain the facilities, kiddush, shiva minyanim, clergy support, and other functions that help enrich our community.
We expect members to grow into each of these areas over time. There is no specific level of attendance or volunteering that is required, but the more people put in, the more they get out. Paid membership is required to receive High Holiday tickets. TBA offers a variety of plans.