If you want to participate in Services, here are the people you might want to contact:

Welcome to the Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am! We are a minyan that’s led and run by its members. Below are names and contact information for people in key roles, which should help you find ways to join in.

Mishna Study

Tittle :

Coordinator: Zwi Reznik,

Bio :

Zwi organizes the Mishna Study the precedes almost every Shabbat morning service.

Ohel Patuach/Open Tent

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Coordinator: Essia Cartoon-Fredman

Bio :

opens the tent of home hospitality for newcomers and others. If you’d like to share a Shabbat or holiday meal in the home of Library Minyan members, contact her to arrange a shidduch.

Chesed Coordinator

Tittle :

Chesed Committee supports Library

Bio :

supports Library Minyan members during the birth/adoption of a child, illness or death in the family. The coordinators are Lori Harrison and Sandra Braun. (or whatever it is) if you or another member of our community needs assistance with meals.

D’var Torah

Tittle :

Susan Laemmle & Mickey Rosen

Bio :

know that everyone has at least one d’var Torah in them. We take pride in the range of people who offer Torah wisdom.

Haftarah chanting

Tittle :

Coordinator: Russell Cohen,

Bio :

encourages people to return to their Bat/Bar Mitzvah Haftarah or take on a new one.

Torah Reading

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Stan Goldstein

Bio :

Stan welcomes new and returning leyners for short and longer aliyot. The Library Minyan follows the Triennial Cycle.

Committee heads

Rosh Ha-Minyan

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Committee heads

Bio :

provides liaison with Temple Beth Am, and serves as point person for members and visitors who have question concerning Minyan policy or practice.


Tittle :

committee helps

Bio :

This committee helps members find outlets for service according to their abilities and interests. It develops ways to increase and retain participation, engages in outreach and membership recruitment, and maintains the membership list (along with the Webmaster).


Tittle :

Chair: Marissa Holt,

Bio :

This committee updates and disseminates Minyan-related information through this website and the Minyan Monthly The chair acts as recording secretary for the Steering Committee, and ensures that records of Steering Committee meetings and Minyan general meetings are maintained.


Tittle :

Chair: Rabbi Jim Rogozen

Bio :

This committee provides education programming for the Minyan that is open to the entire TBA kahal, and also helps people learn to take on new roles in services.


Tittle :

Chair: Jules Kamin

Bio :

This committee develops financial policies and procedures for the Minyan, in cooperation with the Steering Committee and Temple Beth Am.


Tittle :

Chair: Ben Richards

Bio :

opens the tent of home hospitality for newcomers and others. If you’d like to share a Shabbat or holiday meal in the home of Library Minyan members, contact her to arrange a shidduch.

Social and Hospitality

Tittle :

Chair: Fran Grossman

Bio :

coordinates subcommittees for Chesed, Diaspora Potluck, Kiddush, and Ohel Patuach/ Open Tent.

Kiddush coordinator

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Jerry Krautman

Bio :

helps arrange co-sponsored kiddushes in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, or yahrzeits. He can also advise on individually sponsored kiddushes for major events.

Other important people:


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Webmaster: BobRoosthBob Roosth,

Bio :

sends out the Minyan Monthly and other electronic messages. On the website you can sign up for the Minyan Monthly.


Tittle :

Treasurer: Dale Bodenstein,

Bio :

receives all donations and pays bills.. To contribute to the Minyan, mail a check made out to “Library Minyan of TBA” to Dale at 1056 South Crescent Heights Blvd, LA, CA 90035, or donate online at tbala.org/LM.

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